Frequently asked Questions

Where is ON7 Sapanca Private?
ON7 PRIVATE is located in Sapanca Nailiye.

Where can I get detailed information about the hotel?
You can find detailed information about our hotel on our website or our contact numbers.

How to create a reservation?
You can make your reservation on our website or by contacting us via our contact numbers.

Are reservations canceled or changed?
Reservations are subject to change. Cancellation status may differ for each reservation.

Where can I get hotel price information?
You can contact us at the contact number to get information about the price.

What's included in the prices?
Our prices include accommodation, breakfast and dinner.

Are there discounts for groups and companies?
You can contact us for group and company prices.

What are the accepted payment methods?
You can pay by cash, credit card or foreign currency.

What are the reservation cancellation conditions?
Reservation cancellation conditions differ for each period and house. You can contact us for this.

Can special requests be made for bungalows and Tiny houses?
You can consult us for all your special requests for houses.

How does the house cleaning procedure work?
Houses go through a detailed cleaning procedure before each guest and are made ready by ventilating.

What are the Check-in /Check-out hours at the hotel?
Our check-out time is 12:00 and check-in time is 14:00.

What languages ​​are spoken at the reception?
Turkish, English and Russian are spoken at the reception.

Is early check-in or late check-out possible upon request?
Early check-in varies according to the availability of that day. For late check-out, you can get information by contacting the reception.

What is the age limit for accommodation in the hotel?
The age limit of our hotel is +18 and the age limit for children who will come with their families is 12 and over.

Are children accepted?
Due to our concept, children under the age of 12 are not accepted.

Are foreign guests accepted in the houses?
Guests arriving at the homes are required to show ID.

Is there smoking in the homes?
Smoking is allowed on the balconies and verandas of our houses.

Is there air conditioning and heating in the houses?
All of the houses have underfloor heating, air conditioning and fireplaces.

Is there a kitchen in the houses?
There is no kitchen in our houses.

Are pets accepted?
Unfortunately, we cannot accept our pets.

How far is the nearest airport?
The nearest airport is Sabiha Gokcen, 120 km away.

Is hotel transfer service available?
Private hotel transfer must be agreed with the reception in advance.

Is laundry and ironing available?
We have laundry and ironing service available.

Is parking available?
We have parking service available.

Is it possible to order food from outside?
Food is not ordered from outside. You can order from our restaurant to your room or have your lunch and dinner in our restaurant.

What are the ON7 Private eating and drinking facilities?
Our hotel has two restaurants and bars.

Is it necessary to make a reservation for restaurants?
Guests arriving from abroad must make a reservation in advance. There is no reservation requirement for our guests staying.

What are the menu types available in the restaurant?
The menus of our restaurants are prepared on Turkish and World cuisine.

Are the restaurants open to outside guests?
Our restaurants accept guests by reservation.

Is the bar service open to everyone?
Our bar service is open to outside guests.

Is the public pool open to everyone?
Our general pool is only open to our guests.

What seasons are the pools in service?
The general pool is open in the summer, and the heated pools in the houses serve all seasons.

Is there a swimming cap requirement in the pools?
There is no requirement for swimming caps in the pools.

Are pool maintenances done regularly?
Filtration, pH and chlorine maintenance are carried out regularly in the pools.

Where to get pool towels?
Pool towels are left in all houses according to the number of people staying.

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