Naile Restaurant

Naile restaurant gets its atmosphere from the unique western Black Sea climate. Naile, which is surrounded by panoramic glasses, makes you the focal point of the experience with its high ceiling architecture.

Your adventure of eating and drinking in our Naile restaurant becomes an unforgettable experience when combined with the warm breeze of the beech and chestnut trees and the unique Sapanca lake view.

If you wish, you can sit at the chef's table and follow the whole ritual or join us at our quieter tables at different points of our restaurant.

Along with witnessing the seasonal cycle live every time you visit us, you can see that we have revised our menus accordingly, and you can share our sensitivity in the dimension of sustainable gastronomy.

As we follow the local gastronomy rituals, we also follow the world gastronomy trends and design striking plates by blending the organic products we supply from local producers with our technical know-how.

You can continue your eating and drinking adventure with cocktails that we flavor with local products.

In addition, you can make choices from our wide selection of wines and create new stories.

Naile restaurant invites you to this unique experience between 16.30 and 00.45.

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